Eve’s new Naturopathic clinic!
So my big news for 2017 (well, thus far at least!) is that I am opening a new clinic! It opens in three weeks today, (1st February 2017, although I am not taking appointments until 14 February). I have been planning this for some time, but have been delaying making a big fanfare until I have most of the structure set up to ensure that I am ready!
As any of my existing clients know, I have worked as a Naturopath and Remedial Massage therapist at 275 Ryrie Street, Geelong for eight years. This has been a great location and opportunity to work with some amazing practitioners who I will continue to support and refer to. But it is time to set up my own clinic and I have found a great three roomed clinic in Pakington Street where I will be available to the local community for managing their health needs and more.
What I hope to achieve with my clients and beyond, is to promote greater health in the whole community. I want to help people to achieve their health and fitness goals, and then to maintain this. The key to this is education, and sustained focus upon how to be the most healthy at your stage in life. I teach my clients how to recognise the patterns in their lives which create fatigue, overload and low spots in their health and mental state, and how to stop these from spiralling out of control. This is through diet, exercise and mindful awareness of your own response to the world around. I would like to help teach these habits to people before they get sick, before they get so fatigued and in pain that they are unable to find the energy to make change.
Once my clinic is fully functional, I intend to create training sessions with community groups, business, and anyone who is interested in taking on information on staying well, not just managing illness. My intention is to help people create their own pattern of wellness.
I am looking for other practitioners to join me in this clinic, so if you know of anyone in the allied health industry who is looking to work in a positive thinking health clinic, please refer them to me.
If you wish to make an appointment and talk with me about your health, or your interest in helping to sustain greater health in the community, please contact me through my clinic at Revive Your Health, 3/236 Pakington Street, Geelong West 3218. Ph: 03-5229 4908 or on email: eve@reviveyourhealth.com.au
I look forward to helping to revive your health!
Eve Armytage.
11 January 2017.